enLIGHTen Me Birregurra: What's in it for you?
Still not sure how enLIGHTen Me Birregurra Small Town Transformation will benefit YOU or YOUR FAMILY?
Here's a simply infographic to let you know where the project is up to and how you and your family, and own community group can benefit.
Yes, it's an arts project and while there is plenty of creative fun happening over next 12 months or so, there will be so much more for the community to enjoy and gain from beyond the project completion whether you participate or not - especially the technical lending library, ceiling insulation, functional landscaped areas, better disability and aged accessibility features and most importantly, removal of asbestos!
At the heart of the project is about:
Transforming our community hall into a technically up-to-date all season facility that community can use all year round.
It's about making the spaces within and outside the hall functional, flexible and fun for all ages.
Its about transforming the hall into a vibrant financially sustainable facility that offers lots of fun, creative, recreational and social opportunities for all corners of the community.
And it's about continually building up the grants and project management skills within community that will help all local groups and clubs to attract more substantial infrastructure funding for other important facilities and projects.
If you have any questions about the project, how it will affect you, or how you can get involved and help make it a success, contact us at enlightenbirre@gmail.com
WANT TO KNOW MORE? Come along to the Sunday Market on April 9th to have a chat with some of our Oversight Team members. They will be there from 8.30am until 11am.
Want to know who the Oversight Team is or what the project reporting and accountability process is...head over to our FAQs